Strength is in Numbers

Let us help you understand those numbers and find your strengths

About Us


We are Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors based in Nelson.

We specialise in Business Advice, Tax Compliance, Financial Reporting, and Cloud Accounting Solutions, but we can offer you much much more.

Location and business hours are not a barrier to you working with us, while old school accountants are working 9-5, we realise that’s the time you’re out there working in your business. We don’t want you to slow down your business and cashflow, so we will work with you to meet at nights and weekends so your business can run without interruption.

If you’re not using Cloud Accounting, then you are already behind the times, so contact us and lets talk about the latest Cloud Accounting services available and how these can bring your book keeping into the future and simplify old clunky systems that are a thing of the past.

We work with clients from all over New Zealand and from varying industries. You don’t need to be in Nelson to be lucky enough to work with us, we understand every business is different and we are dedicated to providing solid solutions tailored to your business and your individual needs.

So contact us now, lets have a chat and see what we can do to take the stress out of your Accounting tasks by giving you quality, personalised advice based on actual experience.



Here is just some of what we can do for you

  • Business Advice and Support

  • Income Tax Returns

  • Financial Statements

  • GST Returns

  • Business Plans

  • Cloud Accounting

  • Budgets, Forecasting & Cashflow Projections

  • Business Setup and Registration

  • Payroll

  • Monthly Book-Keeping Advice & Support

  • Tax Planning and Advice

But this is just the beginning, and there is much more we can offer, talk to us today to see how we can help you and your business.

Get in Touch

We will arrange a time to talk, in person or virtually for those in other parts of New Zealand.